

Technical Data 化学测试与技术资料

ASTM F1001 Chemical Test Battery*化学测试渗透数据表

ASTM F1001 Chemical Test Battery*化学测试
Chemical化学品 Zytron® ChemTape®
Z100 Z100XP Z200 Z300 Z400 Z500
Acetone NT NT 17 >480 >480 >480 >480
Acetonitrile NT NT 52 87 >480 >480 >480
Carbon Disulfid NT NT 2 >480 >480 >480 >480
Dichloromethane NT NT 2 70 88 >480 >480
Diethylamine NT NT 21 >480 >480 >480 160
Dimethylformamide NT NT 77 >480 >480 >480 >480
Ethyl Acetate NT NT 14 >480 >480 >480 >480
n-Hexane NT NT 7 >480 >480 >480 >480
Methyl Alcohol NT NT >480 55 >480 >480 >480
Nitrobenzene NT NT 97 >480 >480 >480 >480
Sodium Hydroxide >480 >480 >480 >480 >480 >480 >480
Sulfuric Acid >480 >480 >480 >480 >480 >480 >480
Tetrachloroethylene NT NT 21 >480 >480 >480 >480
Tetrahydrofuran NT NT 3 >480 >480 >480 >480
Toluene NT NT 6 >480 >480 >480 >480
*Normalized breakthrough times in minutes in accordance with ASTM F 739.
Gases Zytron® ChemTape®
Z100 Z100XP Z200 Z300 Z400 Z500
Ammonia Gas NT NT NT 39 NT >480 NT
1,3 Butadiene NT NT NT >480 NT >480 NT
Chlorine Gas NT NT NT >480 NT >480 NT
Ethylene Oxide Gas NT NT NT 81 305 >480 NT
Hydrogen Chloride Gas NT NT NT >480 NT >480 NT
Methyl Chloride Gas NT NT NT >480 NT >480 NT

Chemical Warfare Agent Data生化战剂测试数据表

Chemical Warfare Agent Data
Chemical Agent Zytron® 300
Breakthrough Time Breakthrough Criteria
Agent testing was conducted at Battelle Labs in accordance with MIL-STD-282 and/or NFPA 1994-2001 Edition Standard on Protective Ensembles for Chemical / Biological Terrorism Incidents.
Bis (2-chloroethyl) sulfide (Mustard:HD) >480 MINUTES 4.0 ug/cm2
Isopropyl methylfluorophosphonate (Sarin:GB) >480 MINUTES 1.25 ug/cm2
Chlorovinyl arsinedichloride (Lewisite:L) >240 MINUTES 4.0 ug/cm2
0-ethyl S-(2-diisopropylaminoethyl) methylphosphonothiolate (Nerve:VX) >480 MINUTES 1.25 ug/cm2
Pinacolyl methylfluorophosphonate (Soman:GD) >480 MINUTES 1.0 ug/cm2
Agent testing was conducted at Battelle Labs in accordance with MIL-STD-282 and/or NFPA 1994-2001 Edition Standard on Protective Ensembles for Chemical / Biological Terrorism Incidents.
Chemical Agent Zytron® 500
Breakthrough Time Breakthrough Criteria
Bis (2-chloroethyl) sulfide (Mustard:HD) >480 MINUTES 4.0 ug/cm2
Isopropyl methylfluorophosphonate (Sarin:GB) >480 MINUTES 1.25 ug/cm2
Chlorovinyl arsinedichloride (Lewisite:L) >480 MINUTES 4.0 ug/cm2
0-ethyl S-(2-diisopropylaminoethyl) methylphosphonothiolate (Nerve:VX) >480 MINUTES 1.25 ug/cm2
Pinacolyl methylfluorophosphonate (Soman:GD) NT NT
Agent testing was conducted at Battelle Labs in accordance with MIL-STD-282 and/or NFPA 1994-2001 Edition Standard on Protective Ensembles for Chemical / Biological Terrorism Incidents.
Chemical Agent ChemTape®
Breakthrough Time Breakthrough Criteria
Bis (2-chloroethyl) sulfide (Mustard:HD) >480 MINUTES 0.5 ug/cm2
Isopropyl methylfluorophosphonate (Sarin:GB) >480 MINUTES 0.5 ug/cm2
Chlorovinyl arsinedichloride (Lewisite:L) NT NT
0-ethyl S-(2-diisopropylaminoethyl) methylphosphonothiolate (Nerve:VX) >480 MINUTES 0.5ug/cm2
Pinacolyl methylfluorophosphonate (Soman:GD) >480 MINUTES 0.5ug/cm2

Typical Physical Properties for Zytron物理性数据表

Typical Physical Properties for Zytron
Test Method Z100 Z100XP Z200 Z300 Z400 Z500
Grab Tensile Strength MD* ASTM D751(lbs/N) 32 / 142 49 / 217 52 / 231 78 / 347 155 / 689 120 / 534
Grab Tensile Strength CD* ASTM D751(lbs/N) 24 / 106 38 / 169 39 / 173 69 / 307 152 / 676 121 / 538
Tear Resistance Trapezoid Method MD* ASTM D751(lbs/N) 11.5 / 51 17.4 / 77 22.9 / 101.8 16.6 / 74 42.2 / 188 35 / 156
Tear Resistance Trapezoid Method CD* ASTM D751(lbs/N) 7.4 / 32 10.3 / 45 9.6 / 42.7 22.1 / 98 50.6 / 225 37 / 168
Ball Burst ASTM D3787 (lbs/N) 28 / 124 46 / 204 43 / 191 583 / 258 153 / 681 128 / 569

* MD - Machine Direction | CD - Cross Direction

Kappler Zytron系列防护服详细化学数据渗透表,请联系我们
Warning: This information is based on technical data that Kappler believes to be reliable. It is subject to revision as additional knowledge and experience are gained. The website will contain Kappler’s most up-to-date product information, and customers who receive pamphlets, brochures or other literature should be aware that such "hard copy" information may not be as current as the information on Kappler’s website. Customers also should recognize that there are uses, environments and chemicals for which Kappler products, garments and/or fabrics are unsuitable. It is the responsibility of the user to review available data and verify that the product, garment and/or fabric is appropriate for the intended use and meets all specified government and/or industry standards. Also, the customer should review all available information on the website to understand the uses — and limitations — on ALL products, garments and fabrics which Kappler makes available.
Caution: Do not use for fire protection. Avoid open flame or intense heat.
